Sunday 16 August 2015

Go Your Own Way ☮

As you most probably know, I love clothes. I love everything about them, from the actual buying to the outfit planning, to the wearing, losing and then re-finding and wearing all..
over again. I'm a massive hoarder and hate to part with anything, just incase I might want to re-wear it or pass it on to my imaginary, future stylish children.  (I like to have that excuse so that I can hoard more) I see everything about my clothing and wardrobe as a reflection of myself. I especially love buying clothes abroad, handmade stuff, vintage stuff, reworked or second hand. There's something about wearing something that has a bit of a story to it, something a bit zany or different. You know no-one's going to have the same thing or wear it how you have, and I love that. 

I see my wardrobe and the way I dress as a bit of an insight into my personality; as so many other girls wardrobes are. Planning outfits is a favourite of mine and I love it when I get a piece that ties everything together. I love getting the chance to decide what message I want to send to the world that day, it's like I can just get up and style myself happy. Which sounds kind of crazy, but to me it's really fun. Finding my own sense of style wasn't always easy, nor was the confidence that went with it. I've had my fair share of funny looks on the underground, passing comments that try to belittle your outfit choices or even go as far as to tell you that your outfit 'doesn't go' or is 'out of trend'. (Like c'mon what does that even mean!?) 

Now I'm a little older and more confident in how I dress I don't let these unimaginative, basic individuals effect my mood. Why do people want to go out of their way to make you feel crap? More importantly why did I ever allow them to make me feel crap?! I dress for myself and don't let anyone tell me any differently. My point is: these strangers that give you funny looks or people you might even know who tell your outfit is a bit 'out there' have no significance in your life. And if they do have significance in your life, then they're really not worth your hella sassy time.  Their judgement is useless to you, Own your own style! If something makes you happy, wear it! Embrace yourself and your quirks, don't wear something because everyone else is and you'll feel weird if you don't follow the crowd. Be yourself, and most importantly remember that confidence in yourself and your own individual style is the key, go your own way! 


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